How to Prolong the Life of Your tan

One of the most common questions we get asked is “How can I make my tan last longer”. Sometimes you have events two weekends in a row, and want that tan looking fresh a week later- the life of a socialite can be hard!–
If this is the case for you, we have a few hot tips!
Crème that body up: it’s no secret that hydrated skin looks best, but a lot of people don’t realise how vital it is for keeping your tan looking fresh. Apply our Crème De la Crème after every shower, and before you go to bed or after you wake up. Two applications daily should keep your skin looking lush.
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Face the facts: Our Face Tan Mist is any fake tanners’ best friend! Most people find that the tan on their face fades a lot quicker than body, and the reason for this is that most makeup has products or alcohol in it that will strip your tan. The face tan mist is a super refreshing spray with 5% DHA, so it works like gradual tan. Spray one or two times a day (or more) until you achieve your desired colour. It is so easy to use and an absolute staple in our lives. You will wonder how you ever lived without it!
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If you want to add some more colour: Our Gradual Tan is an amazing tan-extender. Apply once a day to add a new moisturising coat of tan to your skin. With 4% DHA this product will add some colour to that fading skin.
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No alcohol: Whoops did we scare you? You can still enjoy a glass of wine (or 5), we just don’t want you to wash your body with any product containing alcohol or SLS. Our amazing Cleanser is free of these two ingredients, and all other nasties. Wash in this bad boy and you will find your tan lasts so much longer. Plus, it contains our signature scent, so not only will you look like you just got back from a tropical holiday, but you will smell like it too!
– - Get a little help from our fairy godmother: The Instant Tan will take you from rags to riches! Made up of beautiful natural products, this instant tan will give you an all over shimmer and bronze. This product will be your saving grace on the day of an event, because you can just pop it on and elevate the depth of your tan, then wash it off in the shower that night! You will be looking like Cinderella (post-makeover) in no time!