How To Clean Your Spray Tan Gun | Naked Tan - Naked Tan Skip to main content

How To Clean Your Spray Tan Gun

Spray Tan Gun

One of the most important things to do at the end of each day of spray tanning is to properly clean your spray tan gun. If you are not cleaning it properly, it can cause a build up of solution inside the gun which will lead to spotty spray tans, which nobody wants. Regardless of if you have done 1 or 25 tans for the day, it is important to clean your spray tan gun. Follow these simple steps to ensure that your Naked Tan spray tan gun lasts for years to come!


Once you have finished your last tan for the day, remove the cup from your gun and rinse it under water until it looks nice and clean. You will want to rinse out the inside of your gun as well, hold the inside directly under the stream of water and hold down the trigger to make sure you get as much solution as you can out of the gun before your deep clean.


Now you’re going to fill up your cup with hot water (don’t use cold water as it won’t work as well) and add a tablespoon of methylated spirits, you can buy this at your local supermarket. Screw the cup into your gun and turn the gun setting all the way up to 8. Then turn your machine on and press the + button 4 times to put in on the highest setting.


Now you can insert your hose into the gun as normal and spray the entire cup of liquid into the sink. The hot water is going to soften any dried-up solution that is built up inside the gun and the methylated spirits will clear it all out so it’s nice and clean.


Once you’ve sprayed the entire cup you can remove the cup and give it another quick rinse before leaving it to dry overnight. Then grab your spray tan gun and give it a good shake over the sink to remove any excess water before drying it off. Now you can start drying off your gun with the hose, holding down the trigger again to get any remaining liquid out of the inside of the gun. Then insert the hose into the gun again, hold down the trigger and give the gun another good shake.


You want to make sure you get as much liquid out of the spray tan gun as you can so it’s ready to spray with the next day. Any water that is still inside the gun can affect the way a spray tan develops, so it is important to make sure you gun is as dry as possible and then leave it out to dry overnight.


Now you can turn your machine off, and you’re all done! 


For the perfect tan every time, Naked Tan has got you covered all year round! If you need any further help or tips send an email to – we’re here to help!


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